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Farminform & Palga event ‘Data exchange in practice’ – 20-03-2024

We can look back on a successful afternoon during which Palga and Farminform organized a joint event that focused on transparent collaborations, facilitating secure data exchange and using data directly from the source.

With registrations from 28 (branche) organizations and 11 hospitals, there was a perfect mix of attendees, the room was just big enough for all registrations. This event was aimed at doctors, pathologists, (para)medics, laboratory workers, researchers, patient associations, industry organizations and policy makers in healthcare.

The afternoon was opened by Aletta Debernardi, general manager of Palga and Luuk Renfurm, general manager of Farminform. They explained why data plays such an important role, how we can help each other and what both organizations can do for the healthcare industry.

The baton was taken over by Carla Meeuwis, radiologist and Robert Kornegoor, pathologist at Rijnstate. They highlighted how collaboration and learning from each other in the field of data works between the disciplines of radiology and pathology.

Carsten Leue, psychiatrist at Maastricht UMC+, indicated that the patient as a whole should be looked at and that pharmaco-epidemiological data can help doing this.

After the break, Gerrit Meijer from Health-RI and Rinus Voorham explained how national molecular diagnostics with Palga data can provide inspiration for new applications via a dashboard.

Following this, Loes Zandwijk-Hollestein, assistant professor of epidemiology at Erasmus MC, gave an example of applied research during which combined data from pathology, NKR, pharmaceutical companies, CBS and the Dutch Transplant Registry lead to the patient’s benefit.

The afternoon was concluded by Alan Abdulla, hospital pharmacist at Erasmus MC. He invited all those present to join the great initiative of the Digizorg platform, which combines the offerings of different providers and offers an overview to the patient.

During the networking drinks everyone was able to catch up and make contacts for further collaboration.

We hope that great collaborations have been created that will be further developed. For us, the event leaves us wanting more. If you were not able to attent but are interested or have questions about what we can do for you, please contact us.
