
- Opportunity for change

Palga Foundation and Farminform have found each other in a shared vision of the future of healthcare. In this picture, several parties are working together to enable insight into healthcare data for various parties. Not as an end in itself, but as an opportunity to change the current healthcare landscape. We want to make healthcare cheaper by making better use of already available healthcare data. We do this in a transparent way, with data from the source.

- Why is data sharing so difficult?

Access to high-quality information on the Dutch drug market is essential. This allows healthcare providers, researchers, policymakers and pharmaceutical companies to use medicines optimally and efficiently. However, to bring this data together, sector parties in healthcare will have to be willing to actually share data, but this is where the shoe regularly wriggles.

- Review of ICT&health Congress 2023

Farminform was present with a stand at the ICT&health Congres in the Circustheater in Scheveningen. There were many healthcare organisations, companies and governments present and what an interesting and inspiring mix of speakers.

- Cooperation between ZorgTTP and Farminform

ZorgTTP and Farminform are entering into a partnership with the aim of 'securely unlocking healthcare data,' enabling the structural provision of substantively strong data propositions towards the healthcare field. Through sustainable and reliable data exchange with healthcare parties, these data propositions can make a substantive contribution to appropriate medicine use in the Netherlands. 

- Explanation of Farminform and the media

Farminform is mentioned in the media following an article by Follow the Money on 'investments in ICT infrastructures.' Farminform attaches great importance to the careful observance of laws and regulations. The reporting in the article concerned is biased and suggestive, therefore Farminform distances itself from this article.

- Conclusion VIG Talk: Sharing is the New Collaboration

Data sharing is necessary in order to conduct more research into the effectiveness and safety of medicines. Approximately 10 to 15% of medicines do not end up in the right place. From a medical-ethical perspective, this is not acceptable. That is why 'more collaboration' must become the norm, said Luuk Renfurm (managing director Farminform) and Ron Herings during their VIG talk on 9 June.

- VIG Talk 9 June 2022: From data to patient-centred treatment

Healthcare providers, patients and manufacturers benefit from the use of an integrated data model that includes both clinical and pharmaceutical data. But how do we achieve a collective approach and what changes are taking place in the healthcare data field? 

Luuk Renfurm, managing director of Farminform, is one of the speakers who, after giving a presentation on the subject, answers questions from the day chairman and the online participants.

- New fiROM platform launched

A few months ago, our new fiROM online portal was launched. With the fiROM you can define your own datasets with which market analyses can be made. The new portal allows you to share definitions and datasets with everyone in your organisation, and also allows data exports with 36 months of data instead of only 24.